Order Information

We now deliver orders over $120 for FREE! No promo code needed, free delivery is automatically applied at checkout when your order is over $120. 

Order Amount Delivery Fee
Under $50* N/A
Between $50 and $79.99  $18.7
Between $80 and $119.99   $9.9
Over $120 FREE

* Minimum order amount is $50.
** Delivery fee calculated based on price AFTER discounts

    Delivery Order

    We deliver all around Sydney Metro. Delivery will be made between 9am-9pm but this is estimated only and currently delivery time cannot be requested. However, feel free to leave a note at checkout or contact us for any delivery request or instructions. We can not deliver to PO box, Parcel Locker nor leave it to the concierge.

    Zero Contact Delivery

    • Please let us know if you wish "Zero Contact Delivery" or any other delivery instructions.
    • Zero Contact Delivery is only available when your order doesn't have liquor products as someone over 18 with ID has to be at home to receive the delivery.

    Re-Delivery Fee

    • A re-delivery fee of $15.4 will apply if you are unable to receive your order during your scheduled delivery time.
    • Please note that a re-delivery fee applies even your original order was eligible for free shipping.
    • Re-delivery only can be made in the normal delivery time for each area, or can be picked up from JFC Sydney free of charge.

    Attention: We do not deliver on weekends and public holidays.

    Delivery Day Order Cut Off Time
    Monday  Thursday 10am
    Tuesday  Friday 10am
    Wednesday  Monday 10am
    Thursday  Tuesday 10am
    Friday  Wednesday 10am